Pyramids. They╒re loathsome, evil, sneaky, cunning, conniving, four-faced menaces. They attack you from all directions. They lie in wait and pounce on you when you least expect it. They╒re deadly, inexorable.
And they won╒t stop until you╒re dead.
They must be destroyed.
Welcome to ICEBREAKER. Your geometry teacher╒s worst nightmare.
Destroy All Pyramids!
╫ System Requirements
System 7.0 or better
4.5 MB free RAM
14" monitor
256 color display
Sound Manager 3.0 or better (3.1 is best on a PowerMac)
QuickTime 2.0 or better (2.1 is best)
If you don't have QuickTime installed, the game will work, but the background music won't. QuickTime and the Sound Manager can be downloaded from Apple's Internet servers. Look in:
ICEBREAKER needs at least 4.5 megs of free memory. If your Mac has 8 megs of memory installed, the system software uses 3 megs or so -- so you can see you'll be pushing it pretty tight. You may want to remove most of your system extensions and control panels, and reboot.
If the game refuses to start, and you see a message like "'QuickTimeLib' could not be found", you should try reducing the amount of memory allocated to ICEBREAKER. Sound crazy? It's because ICEBREAKER is using up all available memory, and there's no room left for QuickTime to load. Reduce the preferred and minimum memory size by 200K or so; it should still work.
On the other hand, if your Mac has more than 8 megs of memory installed, bump the preferred memory size up by a meg or two. Everybody appreciates some breathing room.
Speaking of extensions -- we know you've heard this before, but extensions sometime cause conflicts. If you have trouble with ICEBREAKER, try removing most of your system extensions and control panels, and -- well, you've heard it before. (In particular, we've seen conflicts with a shareware Desktop Strip program. Close it or hide it.)
╫ How To Play
Look under the Help (question mark) menu on the right side of the menu bar. The "How To Play Icebreaker..." option will give you complete on-line help. But the short form is:
Ram the blue ones --
Shoot the red ones --
Trick enemies into walking into the green ones --
And don't get caught.
Try the tutorials if you're still confused. (They're also available under the Help menu, if you're at the level grid.)
╫ Customer Service
If you are having problems with this product, please review the "What If It Doesn't Work?" section of the Read Me file. If you need additional help, please contact Magnet Interactive Studios for further assistance.
Magnet Technical Product Support Line: 1 (202) 625-7171
Magnet Technical Product Support E-Mail:
Magnet Internet Address:
To order or find out about other Magnet Interactive products, please call toll-free: 1 (800) 966-0011
╫ Copyright and Trademark Info
⌐ 1995, Magnet Interactive Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ICEBREAKER, Magnet Interactive Studios, the Magnet logo are trademarks of Magnet Interactive Studios, Inc. Made in U.S.A.
ICEBREAKER is a trademark of Michael A. Ammar which is licensed by Magnet Interactive Studios, Inc.
ICEBREAKER software is distributed by Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.
A special thanks to Michael Ammar for permission to use the name ICEBREAKER. Magnet Interactive Studios, Inc.'s ICEBREAKER has no relation to Michael Ammar's ICEBREAKER magic training videos.
╫ ICEBREAKER Conquers the World!
As you've probably figured out by now, the ICEBREAKER Demo is a truckload of fun. We've attempted to capture all the flavor and thrill of the complete game in this version -- but, in all immodesty -- the full version of ICEBREAKER is better. We hope you have enjoyed the ICEBREAKER Demo and we also hope you'll pass it on to all your friends -- that's why it's called a "demo," got it?
If you have enjoyed the ICEBREAKER Demo, may we humbly suggest that you amble down to your local purveyor of computer entertainment and purchase a copy of the complete version? The 3DO version is available now, even as we speak; the PC and Mac versions should be out by 4th Quarter of '95; and versions for other platforms should follow in a timely fashion.
If you have any questions or comments, please call, write, or e-mail us here at Magnet Interactive Studios, Inc. The various numbers and addresses are listed in the "Customer Service" section, above.